The Pros and Cons of Letting Your Dog Sleep in Your Room

As a veterinarian with years of experience, I have been asked numerous times by pet owners whether it is okay for their dog to sleep in their room. While there is no definitive answer, there are certainly pros and cons to consider before making this decision. Let's take a closer look at the potential benefits and drawbacks of letting your furry friend share your sleeping space.

The Allergy Factor

One of the main concerns for pet owners is the potential for allergies. Prolonged close contact with dogs exposes them to pet dander and can cause respiratory symptoms.

However, even people who don't have a pet allergy can experience increased allergic symptoms when they sleep with their dog. According to the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation, up to three out of 10 people who have allergies are allergic to their pets. If you know or suspect that you are allergic to your dog, sleeping nearby can aggravate the problem.

Sleep Quality

Your dog should not sleep in your room when his presence interrupts your sleep or vice versa. A restless night won't do either of us any favors.

Make sure that you and your dog are well-rested so that you can enjoy your waking hours together even more. A small study from the Mayo Clinic reveals that sleeping in the same room as your pet doesn't seem to affect sleep quality. In fact, it can lead to a quieter night. However, that benefit does not extend to people who actually shared a bed with their pet, since, according to research, it can negatively affect sleep quality. There is a persistent belief that letting your dog sleep in your bed promotes dominant and potentially aggressive behavior.

Despite the universal truth that happiness is in a warm puppy, the answer to whether you should allow your dog to sleep in your bed is a resounding: “It depends”.

The Size and Restlessness Factor

Those who slept with a dog in their bed didn't sleep as well and moved more during the night. The study found that participants' sleep efficiency was adequate regardless of whether their dogs were on the bedroom floor or in bed. If your dog is having a hard time being comfortable, moves around a lot during the night, or is simply too big, it would be better if he sleeps on the floor, rather than in bed.

The Emotional Factor

In a survey of 962 women, study participants who slept with a dog in bed reported that they slept more soundly and felt more secure than those who slept with a human partner or a cat. This emotional factor is something that cannot be ignored.

For many pet owners, having their dog close by while they sleep brings a sense of comfort and security that cannot be replicated by any other sleeping companion.

The Temperature Factor

Although some dog breeds handle heat well and others adapt well to cold, no dog breed is designed to withstand extreme heat or cold for hours on end. So, if you're wondering why allergic rhinitis is so intense during the night, the dog that sleeps in your bed may be the culprit.

Daniel Needle
Daniel Needle

Evil web guru. Friendly social media practitioner. Incurable beer specialist. Total bacon scholar. General beer practitioner.